Men’s Retreat

Grove Christian Camp
37028 Shoreview Dr, Dorena, OR 97434

  1. Take I5 south towards Cottage Grove
  2. Take exit 174
  3. Turn left and follow Row River Rd and Government Rd/Shoreview Dr to the turnoff for the camp
  5. *If you pass Dorena Elementary School you have gone too far, turn around go over the bridge and take a left as soon as you pass the bridge.

Things to Know:
  1. Arrive at Grove Christian Camp between 7pm and 8pm on Friday, January 26th . The first evening session beings at 8pm. Eat dinner before you arrive. Snacks will be provided.
  2. You can choose to sleep in a cabin or choose to bring your own tent or RV (it’s all first come, first served, but there is plenty of cabin space for everyone and lots of grass).

a. If you choose a cabin, the cabin supplies a bunk bed and mattress – no bedding. You will want to bring a sleeping bag and pillow.
b. If you choose to bring a tent, the camp provides grass – you supply the rest.
c. If you choose to bring an RV, they provide all the necessary hookups.

Things to Bring:
  1. Bible, pen and something to take notes in
  2. Toiletries
  3. Clothes
  4. Proper apparel for free time. (There will be four hours of free time on Saturday during which you can choose what you would like to do, so bring what you desire to make this happen (for example if you would like to take a nap, bring your favorite stuffed animal and your PJ’s, if you want to go hiking bring boots or flip flops – your choice)
  5. Clothes for a service cleaning session. We will spend about an 2 hours helping out the camp with cleaning/tree removal and landscaping. Please bring outdoor working clothes and good shoes.

  1. You are responsible for making it to camp on your own. 37028 Shoreview Dr, Dorena, OR 97434.
  2. CORVALLIS RIDE SHARE – If you are interested in driving with someone to the camp meet at the NWH parking lot on Friday at 5:30pm. This is not officially organized just a suggestion for those looking to ride together. Once at the parking lot, give a ride or find a ride and make your way to camp.


During the free time Saturday afternoon (1:30-5:30) there are many options for how you can spend your time. The camp has the following onsite:

  • Rock climbing wall
  • Archery
  • Basketball gym
  • Swimming hole
  • Lawn games
  • Volleyball
  • Board games
  • Road biking – there is a scenic route right near the camp and some men are bringing their bikes to go on a 10-20 mile ride. Being a bike if you would like to participate.
  • You are free to go shopping in Eugene if you should choose. Bed Bath and Beyond, Michaels, Jo-Anns and TJ Maxx are close by.
  • Sleep
  • Rest
  • Have a conversation with someone
Questions: Contact Pastor Josh

Men’s Retreat Schedule 2018


7:00-8:00pm Men Arrive
8:00-9:00pm First Session (Group Jeopardy/trivia in teams lead by Eric Wright ) Music and Pastor Mike – small group discussions
9:30- 10:30pm Optional Open Games/Gym


7:30- 8:30am Breakfast
8:45-9:45am Second Session (Group games and trivia) Music and Pastor Josh, small group discussions
10:00-12:15pm Serving project
12:30-1:30pm Lunch
1:30-6:00pm Free Time
- Option 1 - Option 2
6:00-7:00pm Dinner
7:30-8:30pm Night Session (Trivia – group games) band - Pastor Mike – small group discussion
9:00-10:00pm Optional Activities


7:30-8:30am Breakfast
9:00am Last session church service (Pastor Josh) – small group discussions
10:00am Pack up and leave