Lead Pastor Josh Carstensen continues a series on the life of Peter. Have you ever gone through a season in your life when you thought about walking away from your faith? It typically happens because of two primary reasons. There's a moment in Peter's life when things get tough, and Peter doesn't just walk away but runs away. It's a moment of sifting for Peter. What do you do in those moments of sifting?
Also, as part of the "Something To Say!" series, we'll start the message with someone's testimony. We hope you find it encouraging.
00:00 Welcome
00:45 Something To Say: A Journey of Faith and Marriage
05:39 Message: The Temptation to Walk Away
10:23 A Case Study on Faith and Failure
14:03 Peter's Story: Expectations vs. Reality
21:36 The Sifting of Peter and the Disciples
30:31 Peter's Denial and the Aftermath