Something To Say! – The Life of Peter – Part 7

Ron King, Associate Pastor
May 26, 2024

Associate Pastor Ron King continues a series on the life of Peter. Last week, Peter denied Jesus three times. Now Jesus has risen from the dead, but something is still off between him and Peter. So, Jesus meets with Peter and restores their relationship. It's a short but powerful moment that shows us God's heart.

For all of us who have ever felt like waking away or failed to follow Jesus faithfully - in big or small ways - and wondered if Jesus can still use us, this interaction should give you a heartful yes.

Also, as part of the "Something To Say!" series, we'll start the message with three testimonies from our global outreach team. We hope you find it encouraging.

00:00 Welcome
00:47 Something To Say: Global Outreach
05:54 Message: Exploring Peter's Journey
10:01 The Power of Restoration: John 21:1-19
19:33 The Process of Restoration: Lessons from Peter's Story
34:05 Embracing Restoration and Following Jesus

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