Lead Pastor Josh Carstensen continues a series on the life of Peter. Peter heals a lame beggar, and it causes two very different reactions. Some people are astonished, repent, and believe, while others threaten Peter to stop. So, how does the healing happen? Why does it happen? Why do some believe, but others don't? And what happens to those who do accept Christ? Josh answers each of those questions.
Also, as part of the "Something To Say!" series, we'll start the message with some of our interns sharing what God did in their lives while at Northwest Hills. We hope you find them encouraging.
00:00 Welcome
00:59 Something To Say: Interns Share Their Stories
07:09 A Message to Graduates
08:33 Message: Peter Heals a Lame Beggar
14:38 Reflections on the Healing and Its Implications
18:47 Understanding the Power of the Holy Spirit
23:06 The Prodigal Son: A Tale of Two Stories
27:25 The Challenge of Belief and Authority
33:05 The Boldness of New Believers