Here at NWH, we want to help you connect and plug into areas of interest!

Fill out the following form and let us know what you are interested in!

Live like Jesus, in community, and connect with others!

Don't do life alone! Meet others, either in a similar stage of life or even a mix of different ages, by getting connected through small groups, support groups, and NWH events! We like to keep things simple, here at NWH, and focus on a few specific areas for connecting with one another.


Community Groups 

Being in community is one of the main ways that we live like Jesus! Community Groups are the NWH version of small groups and are made up of people who live out the mission of God together in community through regular gatherings with food, fellowship, accountability, serving, study, prayer and outreach. Community Groups serve to mobilize the church and to connect people to one another to share life and grow together! Find the Community Group that's right for you here!


NWH Men 

NWH aims to welcome all men, connect them to God and each other, equip them to live out God's purpose for their lives, and send them out to share Christ's love with their communities and the world. Check out what our men's ministry is up to. 

NWH Women

NWH Women seeks to provide a place where women of all different backgrounds can come together for friendship and fellowship, and can be encouraged in their walk with the Lord. Throughout the year, we organize and host many opportunities to grow and connect with one another. We also seek to come alongside one another through prayer and support. Learn what opportunities are coming up for NWH Women. 


Young Adults & College

We love the fact that we are a multi-generational church and seek to provide a place where young adults and college students (18-25) can not only connect with those older than them but also with peers. Throughout the year we host a variety of events focused specifically towards this age group. We also have a number of young adult/college specific community groups that meet weekly.

Focus Groups

Focus Groups are an opportunity for you to connect with others with a similar interest or similar life stage. Check out the Focus Groups that are currently gathering here!