Make a deeper commitment to the NWH family and become a member.
Explore or pursue membership with two easy steps:
1. Scroll down and watch our membership informational videos below!
We'll share what it means to be a member, what we believe at NWH, and more about who we are as a church.
Our videos include about one hour of content.
2. Register and join our next membership class (Coming up March 16!!!)
Following the completion of our membership video series, attend a 1 hr membership class where you can meet others beginning this deeper engagement at NWH and share your story.
Registration for the class COMING SOON!
NWH Constitution: What We Believe
Never hesitate to reach out to us with questions or to meet up with a staff/elder team member. We are here to answer any questions you have!
NWH Membership Videos:
Our Beliefs (Part 1 - 4):
A sneak peak at membership at NWH
The phrase "membership of a local church" may not be specifically stated in the Bible but the concept of being a committed part of a local body of believers is seen throughout the New Testament.
In membership, we make a commitment, publically and personally, to the local church and its people. We commit to supporting the mission/vision through our lives, our finances, and our God-given gifts. We commit to supporting our church family and church leadership through prayer and faithfulness.
As members, we submit ourselves to the leaders of this local body where we experience accountability in our walk with Jesus. We are known and pursued as we strive to live like Jesus together.
We join to be all in, with hearts to give rather than just receive; growing together in community, deepening our faith through God's word, confessing our sins with one another, and launching out to do ministry in our city and beyond!
To become a member at NWH, a person much have:
- personally received Jesus Christ as their Savior
- been baptized as a believer by immersion in water
- completed the Membership Class and Membership Videos series
- accepted the Statement of Beliefs in our NWH constitution
If you have any questions about membership at NWH, don't hesitate to reach out to us at